Posts tagged tech

BikeList for Nonprofits and Co-Ops updated!

April 7, 2023 2:02pm by dan

It's always been 100% free for Bike Co-Ops and related not-for-profits to sell on BikeList - - we waive all fees for 501(c)(3)s, which is a pretty good deal! We released an update last week to make it easier to find nonprofits in the marketplace.

1. There's now a "Nonprofit" label on listings for verified organizations.

2. And a label on the member profile.

3. And the Nonprofit page now includes a list of all Nonprofit members and their active listings.

We'll be adding more benefits for our Nonprofit members throughout the year. If you know of a Co-Op, please send them our way!

BikeList joins 1099k Fairness Coalition

December 6, 2022 2:42pm by dan

For the past few weeks we've been speaking with lawmakers in DC about changing a not-so-good tax policy that's going to affect online seller's lives next year. Many of BikeList's members who used to be considered casual sellers may now need to report marketplace income to the IRS. In many cases this does not mean there are additional taxes owed (disclaimer: please consult a tax professional!) but it generates quite a bit of confusion for the infrequent seller and extra paperwork for marketplaces like us!

BikeList in the news again

We were featured in a recent News Story in GeekWire that nicely summarizes the issue.

Private Messaging just added to BikeList

October 23, 2022 1:25pm by dan

We're rolling out Private Messaging on BikeList this week. Buyers are now able to contact the seller after a purchase if they have any questions. We've added a link to contact the seller the receipt email as well as in your account.

New Feature Alert! Check if a bike is reported stolen

October 5, 2022 6:55pm by dan

We just launched a new feature. Sellers can add a serial number for their bike or bike frame listing and BikeList will automatically search the Garage 529 Bike Registry. 

It's pretty simple to use. Just create or edit a listing, find the "serial number" box on the form, input your serial number and save the listing. You'll get an email in less than a minute with the response. Below is an example of the notification mail sent to the sender, which includes a link to any bike reports found.

New: Make Offers on select BikeList listings

September 29, 2022 2:43pm by dan

We just added a new feature to BikeList, the Make Offer button. This button allows buyers to propose a new price to the seller and for the seller to accept, reject, or propose a counter offer. We even allow the buyer and seller to send notes along with the offers and counter offers!

Hello and welcome!

May 23, 2022 8:24pm by dan

Welcome to BikeList!  I'm one of the founders.  Rob said I should say hello and be more social so here I am.  I spend a lot of time obsessing over the website and working with our development team.