Posts tagged Amsterdam

Amsterdam: Believe the Hype

June 12, 2023 7:35am by rob
Just got back from a nice two-week vacation in Greece. The wife and I spent the last 24 hours in Amsterdam, and the morning before we flew home, we rented bikes and got a great little tour of the city from my buddy Brad, who lives there.

I’ve done a fair amount of road riding in Italy and it spoils you. I’ve also done a fair amount of city riding in Italy. The drivers there treat you much better than in the US (and of course it helps that most of the cars are much smaller). But the riding in Amsterdam is on a whole other level.

As my buddy pointed out, the bike really is at the top of the food chain in Amsterdam, and you are generally given the right of way by both cars AND pedestrians. Bikes are literally zipping around everywhere and parked in long rows on every street (including tons of seemingly abandoned bikes, which get marked for removal). Most people ride on the typical Amsterdam-style bike. Lots of moms and dads going fast on cargo bikes with kids strapped in front. No helmets whatsoever. Fewer e-bikes than I would have thought–though it’s flat, and you don’t really need it. According to Strava our 7.7 mile ride had a total elevation gain of 63 feet.

One thing I thought funny: my friend advised me to only use the bell in extreme circumstances, because it really is seen as aggressive, like a car horn. He said everyone would know we were tourists from our bright yellow bikes and we would likely be cut a bit of slack (and given a wide berth).

It’s an incredible feeling to be able to ride around a city without fearing for your life. Yes, it can get a bit dicey from time to time with so many bikes going so many different directions, and you do have to watch for trolly tracks. My bike was a heavy, beat up single speed with a coaster brake and a barely functioning front brake. But even the worst bike is still a bike, and still fun. I found myself smiling and laughing the whole time. Is this the bike utopia we all dream of? I’d say yes. Believe the hype.

Have you ridden in Amsterdam? Let me know your thoughts!